On Sunday, January 4th, the 2nd annual Miami Cyclocross race will take place at Oleta River State Park. Cyclo-cross (sometimes cyclocross, CX, CCX, cyclo-X or 'cross') is a form of bicycle racing. Races take place typically in the autumn and winter and consists of many laps of a short (2.5–3.5 km or 1.5–2 mile) course featuring pavement, wooded trails, grass, steep hills and obstacles requiring the rider to quickly dismount, carry the bike whilst navigating the obstruction and remount in one motion. It's part road bike, part mountain bike and part steeplechase.
And it's exploding in popularity.
It's cyclocross, and it is becoming one of the fastest-growing sports in the bicycle world.
The Miami race is one of a eight race state wide series and will feature a course that includes asphalt, grass, sand, clay and concrete that will require the racers to dismount a few times per lap in a unique Miami setting. In addition to the serious cyclist categories (Cat 1-5 mens and womens according to USA Cycling rules) there will be races from children 6 years old to grand masters 55+. Although the serious cyclists may have a bicycle specifically for Cyclocross, just about any hybrid, mountain or average road bike will suffice. Racers will be treated to an enthusiastic crowd, lots of ringing cowbells, free Belgian waffles and a fun time overall. Double points in the Florida Cyclocross series. For photos from last year’s event visit here.
Click here to download registration flyer.
A portion of the proceeds will support, ORAA, the official non profit Citizen's Support Organization for Oleta River State Park in Miami FL.
For more information contact:
John Voss
Vice President of ORAA
Charity Chair, Everglades Bicycle Club
For those of you not familiar with Cyclocross Racing here's a video:
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