The March Miami Critical Mass went very well and was a great cap off to "Bicycle Action Month". Approximately 60 cyclists showed up & joined in on the ride. We traversed north on Biscayne Blvd briefly passing through the gridlock caused by Ultrafest & continued up to Miami Shores. We then headed back south via NE 2nd Avenue to 14th Street, which according to Miami's bicycle coordinator Collin Worth, is supposed to get a bike lane sometime in the near future.

Total distance ridden was 14.1 miles. Here's a link to the route and a video from this month's ride.

Next month's Critical Mass ride will be on Friday, April 24th.

Note: Miami Lightning Sprints were an absolute bust for the 2nd month in a row. For those inquiring why the sprints did not happen the answer is quite simple, if there is an event going on at the convention center the race can not go on. The reason it cannot go on is due to the increase in pedestrian and motor-vehicle traffic when there's a show there. The organizers of the sprints informed me that they had checked the events calendar for the Miami Beach Convention Center and that no event was scheduled for Friday March 27th. Well, an event was scheduled, in fact two were taking place, ArteAmericas and the Home Design & Remodeling Show. I think the MBCC is an excellent location for us to utilize, unfortunately so does everybody else who host shows there regularly. A relocation is in order, the idea of hosting it on the South Miami-Dade Busway (East Kendall) has been tossed around. Traffic is minimal there at night and the bus shelters can be used as seating. If anyone has any suggestions leave a comment.