GOOD, a bimonthly news and culture magazine featured Miami in a short portraits piece highlighting cities with growing bike scenes across North America.
When I was contacted for the article this past November I was questioned about our local Critical Mass, alley cats, fixed-gear bikes, bike polo, bike lanes and bike collectives. The story was to be told mostly through numbers and statistics. I referred the journalist to Mike @ Transit Miami and Kevin @ Firefly Bike Collective who were also interviewed for it.
It appears some people don't quite understand this piece, just check the comments section over at GOOD. It's composed mainly of people asking why their city was excluded or not number one on the list. Yet, there is no number one, it's in alphabetical order. The list is for "burgeoning" bike scenes. Portland, Seattle, Chicago, Boulder, New York, Davis, and San Francisco have established bicycle scenes. Though those cities bike scenes are still growing I feel like the ones highlighted were the cities whose bike culture was just beginning to sprout, with the exclusion of Minneapolis. This article is in no way stating we are close to Portland in terms of bicycle advocacy, but it's great that we are being acknowledged.
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