Saturday, January 09, 2010 & Sunday, January 10, 2010
Oleta River State Park
3400 NE 163rd Street
North Miami, FL 33160
3rd Annual Miami Cyclocross! Sat and Sun Miami Vice style! 20 min from South Beach, with all the glamour, mud and waffles we can muster. Races start at $20 while complete 2 day all you can race is only $60! Includes Sat BBQ and Sunday waffles. First timers, mt bikers, and cross fanatics welcome! Payouts for Cat 1-2. Questions? jvoss@jvossman.com
A good description is a bike race mixed with steeplechase. In cyclocross, course usually features pavement, dirt, woods, some steep hills and for good measure, some obstacles thrown in that require riders to dismount, work their way through and then get back on and ride some more.
Register here.
Here's a nice video of a cyclocross race.
Thanks for the mention!