A memorial sign was placed today on the Bear Cut Bridge for Christophe Le Canne. A thoughtful gesture by the Public Works Department. Let's ask Miami-Dade County along with FDOT and the City of Miami to further the gesture by making the roads safer for cyclists and pedestrians. Police can start by enforcing the "3ft Passing Law".
Hope to see all South Florida cyclists out on Key Biscayne at 9am Sunday morning for the Memorial Ride. Expecting at least 1000 participants. Strength in numbers, show them we care and please be respectful.

You are all being asked to ride safe & courteous. This is not a fast ride or a race. Police will be present and are working with organizers, they have asked us to obey all traffic laws.
Family & friends of Le Canne are asking those who wish to help to donate funds to Haiti Relief instead.
Make checks payable to:
American Red Cross
P.O. Box 37243
Washington, DC 20013
Notation on check:
AP 2885 – Haiti Relief – IMO Christophe Le Canne
See story by Key Biscayne Tmes on the memorial bike ride here: