The Public Works Department wants the input of local cyclists concerning the relocation of the Le Canne 'ghost bike' which was removed from the Bear Cut Bridge earlier this month.

It has been stated that the memorial can no longer be on the Bear Cut Bridge, and cannot be visible from the road as it can pose a distraction to motorists. The PWD has offered to relocate the 'ghost bike' to the entrance of Virginia Key (Arthur Lamb Jr Rd), just outside their office. They have been cooperative and are willing to place the bicycle near a garden about 250ft from the Rickenbacker Causeway. I have personally discussed other options with PWD and have not been successful, mostly due to their concerns over liability. I have given it some thought and based on the factors presented before me am not against the proposed relocation, however if it were solely up to me it would remain on that bridge.

Please call the PWD Rickenbacker Causeway Division at (305) 361-2833 and let them know your suggestions concerning the relocation of the bike. They are trying to reach out to the local community and want to hear your recommendations.

For reference I've provided a short video clip of the proposed site:

Below is a photo of the area:

This was the official response sent to those who inquired about the removal last week:

"On Monday February 8, 2010, the bicycle which had been hung on the railing of the Bear Cut Bridge, for fallen cyclist Christophe Le Canne was carefully removed and placed in safe storage at the Public Works Department’s Causeway Maintenance Office. It has not been damaged or discarded, as we certainly understand the sentiment behind the installation, and no disrespect was intended. Please be advised that the family of the fallen cyclist was contacted by the Department in order to offer them the bicycle which needed to be removed to avoid any potential injuries, however the family respectfully declined to accept it.

This bicycle had been chained to the railing along the Bear Cut Bridge multiple-use path, without notice or prior approval by PWD and protruded into the pathway which could cause injury to a non-motorized path user. We are certain the parties responsible for the installation of this memorial never intended to create a path obstruction to the pedestrians or bicyclists, but that could be the unfortunate result. Please note that prior to the Memorial Ride, on Friday January 22, 2010 a permanent memorial marker was attached to the bridge at the point of the accident by the Public Works Department (see picture below).
The Public Works Department is committed to working with representatives of the bicycle organizations to review possible locations for the placement of the bicycle memorial. A meeting will be scheduled with said representatives and County staff in order to discuss a suitable and safe location.

Thank you,
Esther Calas, P.E., Director
Public Works Department
111 NW First Street, Suite 1610
Miami, Florida 33128
Phone: (305) 375-2960
Fax: (305) 375-3070
"Delivering Excellence Every Day""


Here's a video by Meaghan Wilbur of the Ghost Bikes Film Documentary Project (highly recommended)