Miami South BMX
13050 SW 216th St
Miami FL, 33170

"Miami South BMX is a local bicycle racing track located in Miami. We are a non profit organization and a family of riders and parents, who for years, have been coming to the track. We welcome new and experienced riders of all ages, all year long! Our riders and parents put in countless hours to make our track a success and a positive environment for our kids. Many happy moments and laughs have been had by all at Miami South. We thank everyone, past and present, for our track’s development and continued success. Miami South encourages everyone, of all ages, to come join us for practice and maybe even a race. Remember… you are never too old to ride a bike! If we can answer any questions, please feel free to give us a call at (305) 258-9442 or email us any time."
More info: MiamiSouthBMX.com
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