Thursday, March 24th
11:30 am
Florida Capitol Courtyard
402 South Monroe
Tallahassee, FL 32301
"We need you in Tallahassee for the 3rd annual Florida Bike Summit on Thursday, March 24, 2011 at the State Capitol. Help protect the rights of bicyclists to ride safely and freely.
Your support and physical presence sends a much-needed message to our legislators that cycling DOES have a voice worth hearing. Registration is free. All it takes from you is your time and commitment to travel to Tallahassee for the day. Stay tuned for more information as details are finalized. Registration opens February 1, 2011."
2011 Priorities:
- Repeal Mandatory Bike Lane Law [316.2065(5)]
- Anti-texting legislation that make texting a primary offense
- Enhanced Penalties for violations that cause serious injury or death; collaborate with ABATE (American Bikers Aimed Towards Education) again
- Bicycle Access to Limited Access Highway Bridges
- Opposition to efforts to eliminate the Office of Greenways and Trails
Visit Florida Bicycle Association for more information.
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