Saturday, December 17th
Country Village Skatepark
6550 NW 188 Terrace
Hialeah, FL 33015
"December 17 marks our third contest. In past times we've followed the traditional rules of a bmx contest, sixty seconds, most backflips wins. Not this year, This year our focus is to switch up the game and do it in a way that everyone wins. Our format is a bit different from what you might expect. The riders will be broken up into teams most likely consisting of five riders. Now no one knows who their going to be paired with. Our judges will select the team that they feel did the best run. The runs will be about 5 minutes, letting everyone have there way with what ever there trying to accomplish. Due to our group format & extended time, riders will have less pressure and more time to get creative. During these runs our judges will be looking for the best riders from each team. After all the teams have had there runs the judges will call out the MVP's of each team. These riders will then advance to a final 7 minute jam session where its every man for himself! 1st place through 3rd place riders will be chosen. And after that best team will be called.
This year our focus is to ensure a good time for everyone. None of this 60 seconds do your best trick but instead heres five minutes and a group of friends, ride and see where it takes you. No pressure just a normal skatepark session with some sweet prizes available!"
RSVP on Facebook
For more information visit Atmosphere Bikes
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