Friday, August 28, 2015
6:30pm (ride starts at 7:15pm)
Rain or shine!
Government Center
150 NW First Street
Downtown Miami
The ride will be going through Riverside, West Flagler, Coral Gables, Coral Way, Shenandoah, Little Havana, Overtown, OMNI, Park West, and Downtown. Total distance is approximately 13 miles. It's strongly suggested that you print a copy of the map or save it on your phone in case you are tardy or get lost.
Please read the message below from the friends and family of Miami native Patrick Wanninkhof, a young man who lost his life while cycling for charity. He was struck and killed by a distracted motorist who was texting and driving!
Let's celebrate Patrick by doing something that he loved."All eyes appear to be on Miami Critical Mass and it’s time for participants to prove the opposition wrong. Everyone riding is solely responsible for their actions and should lead by example. If you see someone riding or behaving irresponsibly, then let them know it’s not acceptable. If you’re partaking in the ride, then it’s your duty to positively influence others. Ride safely and be courteous to everyone in the community, if you can’t do this then quite simply you are not welcomed. There’s no room for hostile, drunk, moronic individuals. There are a lot of great people on these rides, enjoying their city by bicycle for 1-2 hours on the last Friday of every month, and it’s rather unfortunate that a few bad apples can ruin this special occurrence for everyone else. To frustrated motorists, borrow a bicycle and try joining the ride sometime with some friends. You never know, you just may experience one of the most fun, free, and healthy social gatherings South Florida has to offer."
We feel that not only as his friends but as fellow bikers, this month's critical mass is to honor our dear friend and to raise awareness around why we need more walkable cities and roads that combat car culture.
Patrick was biking from Maine to Santa Barbara for his organization Bike & Build to raise money for Affordable Housing. He was riding with his friend Bridget when he was struck by a driver who was texting and driving. He died on the scene and his friend was left in critical condition.
We will always remember Patrick. He was inspired by people and passionate about social change: "To fix systemic inequities which burden our nation, we need a systemic approach to fighting poverty. Education reform will be fruitless if we cannot guarantee that every child can return to a safe home in the evening. The quest for Affordable Housing for each American runs parallel to my dedication for bringing each student an excellent education. Only by simultaneously addressing both these issues can we guarantee the prosperity of each person in our nation."
He was a great friend and a wonderful person and we wish that we had some time to reconnect with him. For all of us and our loved ones please pass this on for #PatrickWanninkhof. Please #DontTextAndDrive #StayAlive #LetUsLearn #BikeandBuild #me2sb15
We pray yours and the pain we have in our hearts during this time can subside and we can soon feel peace knowing we had the chance to encounter such a beautiful person.
If you haven't already, please make a donation today: http://bikeandbuild.org/rider/7778
"As someone with a Dutch father, bicycling is in my blood. Combining my passion for social justice and pedal powered-vehicles will make for the adventure of a life-time." - PW
Bicycle Rules & Safety Tips
- Stay in the right lane, and do not ride across middle line on the road into opposite travel lane
- Yield to emergency and police vehicles.
- No Headphones! While riding a bicycle it is illegal to wear a headset, headphone or other listening device, other than a hearing aid or instrument for the improvement of defective human hearing.
- Safety Lights: Front & rear lights are required by law in the State of Florida.
- Kids under 16 years of age must wear helmets.
- Do not ride on the sidewalk.
- Passing: A passing cyclist is responsible for the safety of the cyclist that is being passed. When passing ring a bell and/or say "on your left".
- Yield to pedestrians and buses.
- No drinking of alcohol or illegal activity during ride.
- Do not filter forward past stopped cars at a red light.
- Skateboarders, inline skaters and recumbent bikes are welcomed, exercise caution.
- Do not litter or vandalize any property.
- Stopping: If you must stop to check your bike, phone, gear etc please move over to the sidewalk when it's clear. Do not stop abruptly in the middle of the street with the mass behind you. You will more than likely cause a cyclist to hit you and/or swerve and hit someone else.
- Always perform an "ABC Quick" Bike Check to ensure that your bike is in safe working order.

You left a rule out:
ReplyDelete*Remember to obey ALL traffic laws, because a bicycle is a vehicle, and subject to the same traffic laws as a car or truck. This means STOP at all STOP SIGNS and RED LIGHTS to allow for normal traffic flow. Because it's all about sharing the road, right? Right? Am I right?