Monday, June 27, 2016
South Miami City Hall
6130 SW 72nd Street
South Miami, FL 33143
The Miami-Dade Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) invites area residents to attend a public workshop for the Snapper Creek Trail Segment “B” Master Plan from K-Land Park (9475 SW 88 Street) to Dante Fascell Park (8600 SW 57 Ave), which is approximately 5 miles. The trail will ultimately connect community assets including the Dadeland North Metrorail Station, the M-Path/Underline, the Ludlam Trail, and the Red Road Linear Park.
This workshop is for the public to learn about the project and give input on pedestrian and bicycle improvements within the study area. As part of the workshop, County staff will answer questions about the plan.
The overall Snapper Creek Trail was originally identified as one of the main corridors in the North Dade Greenways Network Master Plan, and a Master Plan for the Snapper Creek Trail Segment “A”, from the FIU Modesto A. Maidique Campus to K-Land Park, was prepared in 2008 as a result.
More information on the Snapper Creek Trail Segment “B” Master Plan, including the project presentation and draft map of alternatives, is available on the MPO website.

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