Sunday, February 26, 2017
Miramar Regional Park
16801 Miramar Parkway
Miramar, FL 33027
History of the Tour de Broward
For the past seven years on a Sunday morning in February, thousands of people have gathered at Miramar Regional Park, united by one common cause - to support Joe DiMaggio Children's Hospital at its annual Tour de Broward event. Now in its eighth year, the need is greater than ever to raise funds for South Broward's only pediatric hospital, which has become the leading children's hospital in Broward and Palm Beach Counties. In Fiscal Year 2016, JDCH cared for children needing 61,607 hospital outpatient visits, 7,455 pediatric surgeries, and 9,538 admissions and observation stays.
What the Tour de Broward Supports
Funds from previous years have supported the hospital's Heart Institute, which provides children with a complete continuum of care from diagnosis to repair of congenital defects and other cardiac dysfunctions. It houses the Pediatric Heart Transplant Program, one of only two of its kind in South Florida. Funds have also supported programs for the Center for Cancer and Blood Disorders, helping to improve the lives of many oncology patients and families. However, the need is greater this year because funds raised will help support programs throughout Joe DiMaggio Children's Hospital, as it aims to grow in the community and continue to expand services.
How You Can Get Involved
Tour de Broward 2017 will feature a variety of events for adults, kids, physically challenged athletes and wounded warriors alike. These events include a 3K Walk & 5K Timed Run; Cycling challenges - 50K and 100K; The Power of Play Kids Zone. Registration fees range from $10 to $40, depending upon the event and the day you sign up. Same-day registration is available. All registrations include Breakfast, Lunch, Event Shirt and Goodie Bag. 100K Ride, 50K Ride and 5K Run participants will receive a finisher medal. Everything is provided on a first come, first served basis.
- Ride - The 100K and 50K rides will have law enforcement posted at intersections from 7:00 a.m. - 12 p.m. ONLY. Sweeps of the course will begin at 12:00 p.m. for the safety of all cyclists. The course will be complete with route signage, SAG, Mechanics, and Rest Stops along the way. It is suggested that inexperienced cyclists train ahead of time and ride with a group. Ride packets will be provided at designated pre-packet pickup locations and on location the day of of the event.
- Run - Split Second Timing will provide on-site electronic timed scoring and bib numbers for all 5K Run participants on the USTAF Route. Runner packets will be provided at designated pre-packet pickup locations and on location on the day of the event. Hydration Stations will be available along the route. Awards are provided after the Run on the main stage for the following: Top overall winners, Top three overall masters, Top male/female and Top three in each age group (9 and under, 10-14, 15-19, 20-24, 25-29, 30-34, 35-39, 40-44, 45-49, 50-54, 60-64, 65-69, 70-79, 80 and over).
- Walk - Children, grandparents, and families, are welcome to participate in the 3K Walk. Hydration Stations will be available along the marked 3K route.
Power of Plays Kids Zone - All children 13 years and younger are welcome to play all day in the Power of Play Kids Zone! Food, games and entertainment will be provided. Adult supervision is required at all times.
Volunteers are needed to help set up, provide customer service, and tear down after the event.
If you would like to support Joe DiMaggio Children's Hospital, but can't attend on February 26, 2017, don't worry - you can sign up as a virtual participant (Under Run and Walk Registrations) at the low registration fee of just $19.92.
See more at Tour de Broward
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