Boca Raton City hall
201 W. Palmetto Rd
Boca Raton, FL 33432
Join the Boca Raton Bicycle Club for the 28th Annual Frank Stark Ride
Proceeds Benefit
The proceeds from this unique ride benefits bicycle advocacy, many national charities, and bicycle advocacy groups on a local, state, and national level. The Boca Raton Bicycle Club has a number of on-going programs to teach bicycle and helmet safety to elementary students, police escorted Tour of Boca bike rides to promote bike handling and safety on the open road, and the distribution of literature promoting good cycling habits to the entire bicycling community.
Who was Frank Stark?
Frank Stark was a member of the Boca Raton Bicycle Club and a former airline pilot, forced to retire because of quadruple by-pass heart surgery and two heart attacks. As part of his recovery, Frank took up cycling and celebrated his birthday by riding one mile for each year of his age. "It was just me, the bike and the road," Frank said. "I wanted to see if I could do it." Each year a few more friends from the club would join in and in recent years we have had as many as 700 riders. Frank ultimately succumbed to heart failure so we continue this annual event in honor of him. He would want us to keep riding for our health and for the fun of it.
Event Rules
- Wear a helmet (it's mandatory)
- No more than two abreast
- Do not obstruct traffic
- Pass on the left
- Obey all traffic laws
- Stop at all red lights
- No headphones
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