Sunday, March 11, 2018
Virginia Key North Point Trails
Arthur Lamb Jr Rd
Miami, FL 33149
Join VKBC as they celebrate the 7th anniversary of the opening of the Virginia Key Mountain Bike Trails at Northpoint. If you haven’t been back since Irma did her little dance you will be amazed by how much progress has been made. While she may have temporarily cost us some shade, she also gave us an opportunity to remake some of our trails. We’re already back to over 6.5 miles and this Sunday will feature the opening of a new trail with great ocean views. You may have seen some photos online, but they don’t do it justice. Frenchie and co have done a great job. You will be pleased.
But Sunday isn’t just about riding a new trail, and it’s a bit different than the epic long distance rides or strava attempts or races that fill the calendar. Vkey is about family, the scenery and riding with your friends and hanging out afterwards.
Many of our local shops and vendors will be joining us Sunday as well. In alpha order…
• Bike Tech
• Brickell Bikes
• Elite Cycling
• Fusion
• Mack Cycles
• No Boundaries
• Velofix
They and national sponsors such as Park Tools and Maxxis Tires will be donating shwag to go with our raffles throughout the day.
The day will have guided rides for kids and first timers, plus live rock and roll courtesy of Moldy Dog Bones and some dance-y salsa and merengue courtesy of Tomas Navarro from Fusion Bikes. Lunch will be served courtesy of Sidewalk Salads (free for members) and of course the Fastest Mechanic in Miami Race 2018.
The event is free, but as most of you know, the trails are 100% built and maintained by the Virginia Key Bicycle Club. We pay for our own wood, chainsaws, golf carts, pavers and whatever else we need to rebuild and maintain the park. It would be nice if you chose to support us on our birthday. Here’s how...
• Show up and pay for lunch $10
• Become a member for the year. You get lunch, but you also get invited to our member only night rides and enjoy discounts at most local shops. Membership is $20 for individual, $30 for family (up to 5)
• Buy a jersey! The fancy 2018 ones are $50 which includes membership (which means it includes lunch)
• Raffles- We should be raffling of bike(s), tires, shwag and more. Tickets are $5, 5 tickets for $20. Last year we had over 50 things to raffle off and I was hoarse by the end of the day. Who knows what this year will bring….
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