Sunday, March 1, 2020
9am - 2pm
Virginia Key North Point Trails
Arthur Lamb Jr Rd
Miami, FL 33149
Join VKBC as they celebrate the 9th anniversary of the opening of the Virginia Key Mountain Bike Trails at Northpoint. They'll have raffles, live rock music, family/kid rides, food, new trails, and 'the Fastest Mechanic in Miami' competition! Plus Norco bikes to demo and the re-opening of Jimbo Lo Ba trail! This is VKBC's annual fundraiser event, so it's a great time to become a member.
The event is free, but as most of you know, the trails are 100% built and maintained by the Virginia Key Bicycle Club. VKBC pays for their own wood, chainsaws, golf carts, pavers and whatever else they need to rebuild and maintain the park. It would be nice if you chose to support the trails on their birthday. Here’s how...
• Show up and pay for lunch $10 (Free for members)
• Become a member for the year. You get lunch, but you also get invited to our member only night rides and enjoy discounts at most local shops. Membership is $30 for individual, $40 for family (up to 5)
• Buy a jersey! The 2018 ones are $55 which includes membership (which means it includes lunch)
• Raffles- We should be raffling of bike(s), tires, schwag and more. Tickets are $5, 5 tickets for $20.
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